Treating Painless Headaches
Some headaches are rather painless. In these types of headaches, you have headache, but you do not experience any pain. People suffering from these types of headaches experience odd symptoms. These are the symptoms of silent migraine. These types of headaches are also called migraine auras without headaches. The other forms of painless headaches are ocular migraines or painless migraines.

Silent migraine starts with symptoms of typical migraine. There is no headache pain in these cases. The main symptoms of silent headache are called visual migraine symptoms. The visual migraine symptoms include seeing flashing lights off to one side, dizzy feeling, tingling experience, and numbness on fingers. The other symptoms, although rare, are double-talking and pain at odd places on the face. Rare symptoms are found in older women. These symptoms generally do not occur in young women and men.

Silent migraine is associated with diagnostic problems. Generally, its symptoms are considered some other ailments. Thus, the diagnosis automatically goes wrong. Even some physicians fail to judge silent migraine as source of problem. The prime symptoms are tropical strokes. Sometimes, doctors say it is a minor stroke. This is a wrong diagnosis.

The other symptoms are seizures or serious vision problems. Allow your doctor to do all possible tests he wants. The prime tests, which doctors suggest, are CT scan, MRI, blood tests, and examination of eyes. If tests are negative, consult healthcare provider.

The first step with healthcare provider is to explain your family history. Generally, silent headache sufferers have some relatives who have migraine headaches. The doctor will be convinced of painless headache if you can explain him the multiple episodes. Silent migraines can be treated in the same way as regular migraines. The medications are generally the same. Injections and nasal sprays are another option. They give much relief.