Headaches and Bloody Nose- What's on?

Many a times you might have experienced bloody nose and headache and wondered what could have been its cause. Was it a result of some kind of medical complication (brain haemorrhage) or was it something completely inconsequential, a close to 'normal' phenomenon?

Bloody nose and Headache

The primary cause of a bloody nose is the rupturing of the numerous blood vessels that exist inside our nose. There could be many reasons for this rupturing of blood vessels. However, none of them are 'serious' medical complications of any kind, unless medical diagnosis proves otherwise.

A heat wave can cause blood vessels inside our nose to rupture. A blow to the head can also cause the vessels inside the nose to rupture. Amongst the two cases, only the latter would result in a simultaneous headache. Hence, the cause of worry is that situation in which your head has received a blow. In such case, it is advised that apart from first aid (an ice pack applied to the nose) it is essential that you undergo a subsequent thorough medical analysis.

Bloody Nose- Real cause of worry

Following are the cases in which immediate medical attention is required:

1.    A nose bleed resulting from a serious injury to the head.

2.    When the flow of blood is rapid and enormous in terms of volume.

3.    When the blood has not clot and continues to flow even after fifteen minutes.

4.    When a person is not able to breathe after a nose bleed (the reason for this could be the backward flow of blood, which is dangerous considering the possibility that it might fill the lungs).

5.    When loss of consciousness has taken place after blood loss.

Things to do when a bloody nose is not serious

You can do the following when none of the above things have taken place.

1.    Administer yourself or the patient primary first aid. Soak a cloth or towel in cold water and apply it to the nose. You can also put few cubes of ice inside the towel or handkerchief (to make an ice pack) and apply it to the nose.

2.    Do not lie down on the floor when your nose bleeds. Instead, sit or stand erect.

3.    Tilt your head a bit forward in order to negate the possibility of the blood flowing backwards to the throat.

4.    In order to stop the bleeding apply pressure to the soft part of your nose (which is just below the nose bone). Hold it with your fingers for about ten minutes.

5.    Once the bleeding has stopped do not indulge in any type of heave physical movement or blow your nose.