Types Of Migraines: Migraine With Aura And Without Aura


Migraine with aura is also known as Classical Migraine
Migraine without aura is also known as Common Migraine

Before getting down to knowing what exactly are common and classic migraine, it is important to know and understand what exactly is an aura.

An aura is a visual warning sign of an approaching migraine attack. Such visions can be of bright lights, stars or blind spots or distorted figures and shapes.

These auras set in about 20-30 minutes before the migraine attack. Some patients also describe the presence of a strange odor, before the onset of a migraine. You may also experience a tingling sensation in an arm or leg.

Although prodromes are quite often confused with auras, yet they are quite different. Prodromes basically mean a warning or a symptom of a yet-to-occur attack. Prodromes of migraines can be more generalized warnings of migraines like personality changes, or increase in appetite or energy. These can make their appearance hours to days before the actual migraine attack.

Interestingly, writer Lewis Carroll of 'Alice in Wonderland' fame was also a migraneur. In fact, he got many ideas for the characters in his book from the visual auras that he used to have before the migraine attacks.

Migraine with aura (Classical migraine)
This kind of migraine is preceded by an aura before the attack. The aura occurs for about 10-30 minutes and then is usually followed by a headache. It is quite similar to a common migraine except in the aspect of the aura.

Migraine without aura (common migraine)
A migraine without aura exhibits the same symptoms as a classic migraine except that it does not exhibit any aura.

This does not denote a life-threatening disorder but, it can be chronic and recurrent, thus interfering with a person's daily lifestyle.

Both the kinds of migraines have the usual pain, nausea, vomiting and intolerance to light and sound, which is worsened by any physical activity.