Sinus Headache Requires Highly Personalized Treatment |
The aspect of diagnosis plays an important part in sinus headache. Sometimes, people confuse migraine headaches with sinus headaches. In sinus headache, there is pressure in sinus cavities of head. The reason is the infection of sinuses. Because of this problem, you have special type of headache. This headache is called sinus headache. There is continuous pain in this type of headache. The other symptoms of sinus headache include continuous flow from the nose and redness/swelling on the face. Sinus headache relief is a very personalized treatment. Research has revealed fungus is the root cause of chronic sinusitis. Physicians give antibiotics to cure sinus. As per medical reports, antibiotics are not effective weapons against sinus. Colloidal silver mineral supplement cures body of fungal sinusitis in an effective manner. This treatment gives positive results. Research is in full progress for the ultimate sinus remedy. Herbal remedies can bring sinus conditions under control. The herbal treatments include inhaling steam and applying gentle treatment on the inflamed area. The other form of herbal treatments includes applying mustard oil on the nostrils, and drinking grape juice. You can also apply cinnamon paste over the affected area. This will give great relief. Related Articles |