Complex Migraines

There are several types of migraine headaches. A complex migraine is one in which there are neurological symptoms such as weakness, loss of vision or difficulty in speaking, in addition to the headache. In fact, complex migraines may be mistaken for a stroke. For more information on Complex Migraines, read Some More Type Of Migraines.

One theory about the cause of migraine headache is that blood vessels in the brain suddenly narrow and then dilate; when the blood vessels dilate, the headache rack develops. During the spasm phase, certain parts of the brain may receive too little blood, and this may cause the stroke like symptoms. However, unlike a stroke, blood flow is not permanently interrupted during complex migraine, and the neurological symptoms are nearly always temporary.

Other types of migraines include:
* Common migraine- Causes a severe headache associated with nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
* Classic migraine- With this type, there is an "aura," a set of warning symptoms such as flashing lights or blurry vision, that comes and goes over 10 to 30 minutes just before the headache begins.

Complex migraines have features like blurred vision headache, eye strain headache that outlast the headache itself and there is a relationship of seizures to migraines, especially in children.

There are more treatments than ever before to prevent or treat migraine. So, if you have bothersome persistent headache (with or without symptoms of complex migraine), see your headache specialist for evaluation and cure headache after knowing the headache causes.