Botox For Migraines Study By Mathew

A recent, double-blind, randomized study reported that treatment of patients with botulinum toxin Type A (BTX-A) markedly reduced symptoms of migraine. To know more about "botox for migraines study by mathew" the How To Deal With Migraine Headache?

Botox for migraines study by Mathew describes the effect of pericranial injections of BTX-A on migraine in three patients who presented primarily for cosmetic treatment of frown lines. All patients were treated with a total dose of 36 u of BTX-A (Botox, Allergan) injected into nine sites. Muscles injected were procerus, corrugator supercilii, frontalis and temporalis. Patients were asked to keep a migraine diary for three months and were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with BTX-A as a preventive treatment for migraine. Encouraging clinical evidence, mainly in the form of case studies, regarding the efficacy of BTX-A in migraine prevention is accumulating.

Researchers might have found a link between migraine headaches and tension headache and the two seem to exacerbate each other. Migraine headache relief has found an option in botox. Hypertension headache, cluster headache and migraine symptoms can be treated with this new medication. It seems that headache medicine has climbed another rung in combating severe headache.